Monday 10 June 2013

Swedish busmen wear skirts

In the countries of Western Europe,
Men in skirts aren't a typical sight.
In some parts of the world it's quite common.
Here (one might say) it doesn't feel right.

Scotland's a major exception:
Blokes sport kilts and they do so with pride.
But such garments would look rather silly,
If paraded much south of the Clyde.

The drivers of buses in Sweden,
Would prefer to wear shorts if it's hot.
Their company's dress code forbids this,
And specifically says they cannot.

A dozen men therefore decided -
As this wouldn't break any rule -
They'd don skirts when reporting for duty,
And thereby ensure they'd stay cool.

Their employers have said they'll permit this,
(Daren't do otherwise, that's what one feels),
But here is a bit of advice chaps:
It's not easy to drive in high heels!

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