Friday, 22 February 2019

Baa Baa Brexit Sheep - 5 weeks to go

Baa baa Brexit sheep
Tell me what you think.
We and Europe aren't in sync.
France is after fishing rights.
The Spanish want "their" rock...
And free movement's the agenda
Of the Eastern bloc.

Under UNCLOS (The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea), island nations remain entitled to an EEZ (Exclusive Economic Zone) not exceeding 200 nautical miles. Britain is an island nation:

British trawlers fishing up the Seine?

For details of my novel - James the Third - please see the blog/post dated October 2024.

Friday, 15 February 2019

Baa Baa Brexit Sheep - 6 weeks to go

Baa baa Brexit sheep
Where is Mrs May?
In hot pursuit, Sir, of Plan A.
That this isn't really working
Is plain for all to see.
So what is going to happen
When there's no Plan B?

For details of my novel - James the Third - please see the blog/post dated October 2024.

Sunday, 10 February 2019

I think I'll return as a tortoise

I think I'll return as a tortoise,
And carry my home on my back.
I could move to wherever I wanted,
Without ever needing to pack.

I think I'll return as a tortoise.
Shunning workouts would be no disgrace.
No more rushing around in a frenzy:
Simply life at a leisurely pace.

I think I'll return as a tortoise.
These creatures sure know a good thing.
They fall fast asleep in the autumn,
And don't re-emerge until spring.

For details of my other books - Britannia's Glory and James the Third - please see the blog/post of each, both dated October 2024.

Friday, 8 February 2019

Baa Baa Brexit Sheep - 7 weeks to go

Baa baa Brexit sheep
Tell me how you feel.
Worried, Sir, there'll be no deal.
The British are divided,
The issues all seem fudged:
And, despite our PM's efforts,
Europe hasn't budged.

For details of my other books - Britannia's Glory and James the Third - please see the blog/post of each, both dated October 2024.