The virus came upon us.
The scenario looked grave.
And so we faced restrictions
As to how we should behave.
But some chose to ignore them,
Their stance one of defiance.
And the police did very little,
In the face of non-compliance.
Where were the disincentives
For "to hell with safety first"?
Was anybody challenged?
Were mass gatherings dispersed?
Maybe law enforcement
Found it difficult to cope,
But, last Saturday, I heard some news
Which gives a ray of hope.
Two people walked along the road,
Both wearing fancy dress.
One looked like a wicked witch,
The other, a princess.
Were they off to some indoor event?
They clearly looked suspicious.
"Are you going to a party?"
Asked a policeman, all officious.
"We're not," replied the older one,
"I hope we're not in trouble.
We're going to our Granny's
And we're in her social bubble."
The PC sent them on their way:
He'd done what he could do.
They weren't about to break the rules,
These girls - aged five and two.