Tuesday 22 September 2020

Coronavirus - the police ARE on the case

The virus came upon us.

The scenario looked grave.

And so we faced restrictions

As to how we should behave.

But some chose to ignore them,

Their stance one of defiance.

And the police did very little,

In the face of non-compliance.


Where were the disincentives

For "to hell with safety first"?

Was anybody challenged?

Were mass gatherings dispersed?


Maybe law enforcement

Found it difficult to cope,

But, last Saturday, I heard some news

Which gives a ray of hope.


Two people walked along the road,

Both wearing fancy dress.

One looked like a wicked witch,

The other, a princess.


Were they off to some indoor event?

They clearly looked suspicious.

"Are you going to a party?"

Asked a policeman, all officious.


"We're not," replied the older one,

"I hope we're not in trouble.

We're going to our Granny's

And we're in her social bubble."


The PC sent them on their way:

He'd done what he could do.

They weren't about to break the rules,

These girls - aged five and two.

For details of my other books - Britannia's Glory and James the Third - please see the blog/post of each, both dated October 2024.

Friday 18 September 2020

Ryanair (again)

We should've gone to Germany, 
At the start of last July, 
But restrictions placed on travel meant 
We sadly couldn't fly. 
Our booking was thus cancelled.
This happened in mid-May. 
I applied to get our money back, 
And did this straight away. 

My request, of course, brought no result, 
Seemed wholly disregarded.
With emails sent by Ryanair, 
Am suddenly bombarded. 
"Here's a voucher for some future flight. 
We've plenty. Take a look. 
You can redeem it instantly. 
We urge you to re-book. 
We have a backlog of requests 
So processing's delayed..." 
(In short, you will be lucky 
If you ever get repaid.) 

I know we aren't the only ones 
Who feel aggrieved and bitter. 
There are thousands out there moaning, 
As evidenced on Twitter.
Of these very many others 
With such issues unresolved, 
Some have taken drastic action 
And got their banks involved. 
Or have claimed via their insurers, 
Or are legally assisted. 
It's rumoured that, by Ryanair, 
Such folk are now black-listed. 

I've just had another email. 
It's about my "recent" claim. 
It's urging "use your voucher" 
So the message is the same... 
..."but should you want your cash instead, 
'Click here' is what you do. 
I complied and my request it seems, 
Is now "placed in a queue."

For details of my other books - Britannia's Glory and James the Third - please see the blog/post of each, both dated October 2024.