We didn't need two vehicles,
So his was duly sold.
He had an "AA"* membership,
And this had once been fine.
But now it was not wanted,
So he rang up to resign.
They said they'd send a letter,
To confirm that all was ended.
But this arrived and told him
That he'd asked to be "suspended".
They'd kept his payment details,
There's nothing he'd need do:
The system would, in three years' time,
His membership renew.
He hadn't really left at all,
He still belonged, and so
Beware, once you have joined them:
They are loathe to let you go.
You may no longer own a car,
But that seems incidental.
Or perhaps they'll send assistance
If your roadside breakdown's mental?
*Automobile Association
For details of my other books - Britannia's Glory and James the Third - please see the blog/post of each, both dated October 2024.
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