Sunday, 14 June 2015

Sort of swimming with dolphins

Welcome to new viewers from Uganda and Lebanon. Your flags have been added to "Hello World".

Dolores and Brenda saying goodbye
Some people have a bucket list
Which may be small or vast,
Of things they want to see or do
Before they breathe their last.

Like to spend a night in Vegas
And to visit all the bars,
Or to sleep out on a sandy beach
Beneath the moon and stars.

Travelling is popular.
The same applies to learning.
Whilst others seek adventure,
For excitement clearly yearning.

I've no desire to parachute,
Am not the daring sort.
I don't want to shoot the rapids
In the name of thrills or sport.

I've a notion to get fitter
(And at one time joined a gym),
And although I'm scared of water,
Thought with dolphins I would swim.

In Cuba last November,
On an organised excursion,
This experience was offered
As a safe-ish sounding version.

So we braved a gritty pathway
(Not conducive to bare feet),
To a shallow large enclosure
And the creatures we would meet.

To the downward steps edged nearer...
Group by group folk took their turn,
Two dolphins were performing
For the fishy treats they'd earn.

They knew commands in Spanish.
("More than I do!" someone joked).
They kissed faces and flipped over
So their tummies could be stroked.

At last we're in the water,
And submerged quite deep enough.
One critter then approached us
And began to do her stuff.

Though I'm not sure I enjoyed this
It's a tick off my agenda.
And I won't forget the day I met
The dolphin who's named Brenda!

For details of my other books - Britannia's Glory and James the Third - please see the blog/post of each, both dated October 2024.

1 comment:

  1. When comparing dolphin swimming speeds, he has earned the title of fastest ... dolphins live farther north and migrate in larger numbers than the coastal type...
    given here
