Sunday, 20 October 2024

James the Third

James the Third (Unicorn, 2022) - a novel                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    February 1949 brings the shock news that the queen has given birth to a baby boy, who leapfrogs his older sister, Princess Elizabeth, in the line of succession to the British throne. Three years later, George VI dies.

How does the young king's reign affect the royal family? Who is his regent? What happens when he rebels and starts to mingle unrecognised amongst his subjects - much to the disapproval of his slightly older nephew, Prince Charles? And, in later years, after King James has been forced to marry a 'suitable' bride, what scandal is unearthed by Glaswegian investigative journalist, Rab Rainsmith?

This book offers an insight into life behind the closed doors of Buckingham Palace - perfect for fans of The Crown. A parallel tale of two sisters from London's East End (royal fans Lil and Peggy) exemplifies public reaction to unfolding events and describes the transformation of society from post-war austerity through to the last decade of the twentieth century.                                                                 

James the Third is available to order from Amazon:                                                                           

from Waterstones: (may be available in-store)                                                                                     

and from Unicorn Publishing group:                                                                                                      



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