Friday, 19 May 2017

R.I.P Billy

No more white hairs on the duvet.
No more "What's today's treat?" plea.
No more woof-and-tail-wag greeting,
No more, "Get off the settee!"

No more noises on the staircase
Of the softly leaping paw.
Now no company at bath time
Will come nudging through the door.

No more nuzzles for attention -
("I just want a bit of fuss.")
No more shadowing his people
'cause he needs to be near us.

No more bounding through the woodland...
Stops for sniffs along the street...
No more taking in the evening scents,
Nor licking someone's feet.

No more frenzy of excitement
Of a pal who's overjoyed...
Just an empty bed, an empty bowl,
An awful senseless void.

He was loyal. He was loving.
He was everybody's friend.
He was handsome. He was gentle,
And did not deserve his end.

Oh for one more chance to stroke that head,
Say, "Love you, little guy."
He was special. He was Billy....
....and we never said, "Goodbye."

Billy Penn, part of our family for more than 13 years, was
tragically run over yesterday afternoon. RIP best dog.


  1. Oh dear this has me in tears. I cannot say how sorry I am. That was a lovely poem

    1. Thanks Pam. Can't count the number of tissues I went through when writing it. We're all still dazed and devastated. Mx

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